Adu Gyamfi SHS, KOSS lose out to KUGISS in NSMQ in a photo-finish

The hottest contest at the ongoing Ashanti Regional elimination contest of the national science and maths quiz came off today at Opoku Ware School when Kumasi Girls answered a last minute question to win a closely contested battle ahead of Adu Gyamfi SHS and Konongo Odumasi SHS in an exciting contest.  KUGISS won the contest with 23 points with Adu Gyamfi closely following with 22 points while KOSS had 19 points.  It was an emotional loss for Adu Gyamfi who led the pack with 4 points ahead of the last question before KUGISS answered a last minute riddle worth 5 points to overtake Adu Gyamfi in a photo finish leaving KOSS  at 3rd position with 19 points.  KG are therefore through to next round but secured the slot with sweat and blood.


  1. Excellent job @Raf. Your updates are very refreshing. Keep it up!

  2. Excellent job @Raf. Your updates are very refreshing. Keep it up!


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