Amass Phoooooooobia wins zone-3 again as O.T., Islamic, TOSS, Afia Kobi others secure SUZO slots

T. I. Amass-Ksi produced an unparalleled performance to claim the top spot in both the boys and girls divisions in zone four of the ongoing Ashanti Regional inter-schools athletics competition.

Proceedings in zone four were cocluded today after two days of intense competition which saw Amass open a wide gap in the boys category against second placed Osei Tutu SHS.

However in the girls category Islamic SHS mounted presure on Amass beating them in some events to the admiration of many observers at the sports stadium.

Islamic gave a  good account of themselves and remained poised to challenge Amass in the near future with a little push.

Good old Ghanamy could not live up to their reputation as they struggled to secure qualification. Amaniampong SHS, Afia Kobi, Toase SHS were all competitive as they managed to grab the much envied tickets to compete in the super zonals slated for the 25th and 26th of February.

At the end of proceedings in zone 4, the first six schools in each category secured qualification to the 'Super-duper-zonals'.

1 comment

  1. phobiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa allllllllllllll the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.................keeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppp it up


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