Video: Unbelievable 2016 'SUZO' record attendance wows all including the NSA, GOC and GAA.

The Ashanti Regional inter-schools and colleges athletics competition ended a week ago with T. I Amass-Kumasi once again confirming their superiority in athletics over the other competing schools.

On the sidelines, there was an unbelievable craze for the athletics competition with record numbers trouping to the stadium with many pundits putting the attendance at almost 50,000 at the Baba Yara Stadium and over 30,000 at the gates struggling to gain entry.

This record numbers has left many wondering why high school athletics could attract such huge attendance at the stadium whilst national athletics and other sporting events struggle for patronage.

The videos here are a clear evidence of the huge numbers at the just ended Ashanti Region Super-Zonals.

So what basically accounted for the high intrest in high school organized competition compared to national sporting events which arguably attracts our national heroes.

1. Is it the rivalry at the senior high school level?
2. Is it proper organizationts by the school sports federation?
3. Is it media attention and hype/publicity for high school sports?
4. Is it the presence of the high school girls which serves as the attraction point?
5. Or perhaps the gate fee charges are affordable enough to attract all?

Still searching for the right answers for the "SUZO" craze as a blueprint for the National Sports Authority, the Ghana Olympic Committee and Ghana Athletics Association.

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