Clash of the Titans at 2016 SUZO-Amass phobia, K-Wey Gey Hey face stiff opposition, RAPHSARK predicts suzo top 10 schools!!

All is set for a memorable 2016 SUPER Zonals of the Ashanti Regional inter-schools and colleges festival come the Thursday and Friday the 25th and 26th of February, 2016 at the Baba Yara Stadium. In the Boys category, T. I. Amass, Kumasi will attempt a seventh defense of the title they won seven years ago and have since defended successfully for the past six years whilst Kumasi Wesley Girls High School will attempt a defense of the title they managed to wrestle from Amass-Ksi in the girls category.

The competition will be more keener and competitive this year compared to the previous years for a number of reasons.

1. Most of the schools have widened their scouting network and looked more competitive during the inter-co this year compared to previous year.

2. The quest of some schools to break the monopoly of T.I. Amass in all the categories. The success story of K-Wey Gey Hey in overcoming Amass in the girls category last year has reinforced their drive

3. The competition is receiving a lot of interest and attention from various quarters withe the National Sports Authority and the Ghana Olympic Committee endorsing the competition as arguably the best organized and most competitive of all the regional competitions

4. K-Wey Gey Hey tasting victory and fame last year over Amass with a 1 and half point margin in a breadth-taking close contest has obviously whet their appetite for more success and demonstrated their readiness to defend their title against all odds.

5. The amazing displays of Jachie Premso SHS, Aduman SHS, GHANAMY, KUGISS, Islamic SHS, KTI among others indicates that no single school can dominate the various events.

6. in the boys category, the output of Aduman  SHS, JAPASS, Prempeh College, Islamic SHS, OKESS etc. will obviously rival Amass for the trophy this year.

Last year results showed a huge a gap between the performances of eventual winners in the boys division Amass and others but that gap will be narrowed this year. To recap last year results;

1. T.I Amass - 144
2. Prempeh College - 87
3. Opoku Ware School - 67
4. Kumasi Anglican SHS- 57
5. Japass - 41
6. OT - 32

1. Kumasi Wesley Girls - 139.5
2. T.I Amass -138
3. Kumasi Girls - 88.5
4. Aduman SHS - 57
5. Islamic SHS- 41
6. Kumasi Anglican

RAPHSARK predicts the top 10 schools in both categories ahead of the Thursday-Friday SUZO based on the following indices.
1. Performance in the just ended inter-co
2. previous/ past performances
3. approach of the schools to the 2016 SUZO
4. performances of individual athletes for the schools

Prediction: BOYS  CATEGORY 2016 SUZO Results
1. T.I. Amass   *Will drop points into the range of 125-130
2. Prempeh College         
3. KTI
6. Aduman
7. O.T.
10. Armed Forces

Prediction: BOYS  CATEGORY 2016 SUZO Results

1. K-Wey Gey Hey     *will drop points into the range of 120-130.
2. T.I. Amass-Ksi
4. Aduman
6. Islamic
8. KOSS 

Eventually, the status quo will be maintained with Amass phobia winning the boys category and K-Wey Gey Hey picking the girls category.

The widened gap in the boys and girls category will be narrowed this year compared to that of last year.
With the poor nature of the tracks at the Baba Yara Stadium, records in the track events will hardly be broken.

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